About Us

As the world prepares itself for the launch of vaccines that are expected to bring the pandemic to an end, India is better prepared at least on one count that it may have better access to vaccines than most other parts of the developing world. Although we have certain vaccine deficit challenges to work on, such as cold storage & distribution issues, anti-advocacy, record management & poor follow up system.

We at Vaximum, help you to reduce this vaccination distress, providing a protective shield to you & your family. We provide vaccination at the comfort of your home at your scheduled day & time. We’ve our team of professional nurses to ensure the best quality care with state of art vaccine carrier. We, at Vaximum have our proprietary Vaxishield TM technology which is IOT enabled temperature & GPS monitoring system that helps us ensuring high quality & potency of vaccine from manufacturer till end user.

Vaximum Provides

  • Vaccination Registration Management
  • E-Eligibility & Triage
  • Pre-Vaccine Triaging
  • Home Vaccination
  • Vaccine Dispensing
  • Post Vaccine hand holding
  • Secured Certificate Generation
  • Vaccine Edification


The immune system is a 24-hour machine equipped to manage attacks from invaders to prevent or inhibit infections. It is made up of organs, tissues, and several types of cells that work together to protect the body. The immune cells must be able to determine which cells or proteins are normally in the body and which ones are foreign. Bacterial and viral cells have markers called antigens which are these foreign proteins. Each type of bacteria or virus has different antigens. Antigens are capable of inducing an immune response in the body. So, when these foreign cells or proteins enter in our body, that may cause danger, & special immune soldier cells called lymphocytes, become active. They take steps against the antigen and its owner, either by unleashing or creating antibodies to do this job. Think of it as a lock and key system. Specific antibodies remove specific antigens. The next time the antigen is identified, the body recognizes them from memory and begins to make antibodies against it. Common symptoms, like a sore throat or fever, may be present until the immune system catches up with this action. You getting a fever is one way to tell that your body is fighting invaders. That's why vaccines are useful and important. They train your immune system to create antibodies, just as it does when it’s exposed to a disease. However, because vaccines contain only killed or weakened forms of viruses or bacteria, they do not cause the disease or put you at risk of its complications. Vaccines are also called immunizations because they take advantage of our natural immune system’s ability to prevent infectious illness. When a person gets vaccinated against a disease, their risk of infection is also reduced – so they’re also less likely to transmit the virus or bacteria to others. As more people in the community get vaccinated, fewer people remain vulnerable, and there is less possibility for an infected person to pass the pathogen on to another person.

Vaximum offers a convenient and comfortable alternative with our home vaccination services. Here's why you should choose us: Ultimate Comfort: Get vaccinated in the privacy and comfort of your own home. No need to travel to a hospital or wait in crowded waiting rooms. Unmatched Convenience: Schedule your vaccination at your preferred time. We'll come to you, eliminating the hassle of travel and parking. Zero Wait Time: Say goodbye to long hospital queues! Our appointments are dedicated to you, ensuring a stress-free experience. Save Time and Money: Skip the traffic and hospital parking fees. Vaximum saves you valuable time and money. Vaximum prioritizes your comfort and convenience. Let our experienced nurses and technicians take care of everything, so you can focus on feeling your best.

The most obvious benefit of getting vaccination at home is being able to get the services of doctor or nurse at the comfort of your home, rather than having to travel all the way to the hospital and wait for your turn, getting exposed to hospital acquired infections. You can schedule a hassle-free home vaccination at your convenience by booking an appointment on suitable day & time without rescheduling your work & adhering to recommended vaccination plan. You also save on travelling time efforts & cost. For children, getting vaccinated in the familiar environment with family members can be comforting.

No, this myth has been around for some time. Parents are often discouraged from vaccinating their children based on this ‘statement’. However, we should realize that babies are constantly bombarded by innumerable germs on a daily basis. The truth is children’s immune systems are stronger than we can ever imagine.

  • The cost of vaccination at home is simple. It is the sum of
  • The MRP of vaccination
  • Service cost of vaccination
  • The above cost includes the GST.